Graham cracks me up...I love the way his mind works (see several previous posts!).
Today as we read the story of David and Goliath...he did not disappoint!
(Graham is Graham David since his father and I want him to be a man after God's own heart! So any story about David is our favorite...ok, except Bathsheeba...)
So...we're reading David and Goliath. And here's how the conversation goes...
Graham asks me if Goliath is fighting other people.
I tell him that yes, he is fighting.
Graham asks me why?
I tell him that Goliath is mean and he doesn't have Jesus living in his heart.
Graham says with as much concern as a 2 year old can muster...Oh no! You made a bad choice, Goliath!
Very true son, very true.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Bubbles and the Wind
Seems with the warming temperatures, my ability to blog routinely goes up as well! We'll see how long both last here in Illinois.
We ventured outside as much as possible today! It was glorious! Windy as all get out and weather that would have us in parkas and snow boots come fall, but a wonderful spring day!
So...we played with chalk...we played with bubbles...we took walks in the wagon...we enjoyed the sun!
Where God spoke to me today....bubbles.
Things that didn't click last summer are clicking now. Why things work, how to blow bubbles...the important stuff of life!
Graham and I each had a large bubble wand and an equally large bottle of bubble soap. I soon realized that if I just held my wand up, the wind would create way more bubbles than my pathetic breathing. It could have been viewed as lazy, but I found it to be genius! Graham continued to blow his own bubbles though. So I nonchalantly told him if he would just let the wind do the work, the bubbles would come pouring out! No sooner had the words left my lips did I flash back to every sermon I've heard on the Holy Spirit and how it is the Breath of God. And again...the simple things? God spoke.
I'm the bubble wand...I'm made to create bubbles (I like to keep it all simple...stay with me). I need to be saturated in the bubble soap to have a chance at functioning. A bubble wand doesn't work with a dry bubble jar. So...I'm saturated in the soap, then I come out into the air and just let the wind show off everything I have just saturated myself in!
So...if it's too simple or I only make sense to myself, here's where I'm going:
I need to soak in the Word of God and when I'm pulled out and called upon to do my job, I better pray there is a strong wind or Breath of God blowing through me, directing my path.
I think back to the early church where the Holy Spirit descended upon them for the very first time.
If you have time...check out Acts for accounts of His mighty work through His Spirit.
Acts 2:4 - filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues (and 3000 were added to the church)
Acts 4:31 - they are filled with the Holy Spirit and they boldly speak the word of God
So...I may be a little bubble wand...but man you soak me in the right stuff and put the power of God behind me...look out bubble world!
Just another bubbly MOMent...
We ventured outside as much as possible today! It was glorious! Windy as all get out and weather that would have us in parkas and snow boots come fall, but a wonderful spring day!
So...we played with chalk...we played with bubbles...we took walks in the wagon...we enjoyed the sun!
Where God spoke to me today....bubbles.
Things that didn't click last summer are clicking now. Why things work, how to blow bubbles...the important stuff of life!
Graham and I each had a large bubble wand and an equally large bottle of bubble soap. I soon realized that if I just held my wand up, the wind would create way more bubbles than my pathetic breathing. It could have been viewed as lazy, but I found it to be genius! Graham continued to blow his own bubbles though. So I nonchalantly told him if he would just let the wind do the work, the bubbles would come pouring out! No sooner had the words left my lips did I flash back to every sermon I've heard on the Holy Spirit and how it is the Breath of God. And again...the simple things? God spoke.
I'm the bubble wand...I'm made to create bubbles (I like to keep it all simple...stay with me). I need to be saturated in the bubble soap to have a chance at functioning. A bubble wand doesn't work with a dry bubble jar. So...I'm saturated in the soap, then I come out into the air and just let the wind show off everything I have just saturated myself in!
So...if it's too simple or I only make sense to myself, here's where I'm going:
I need to soak in the Word of God and when I'm pulled out and called upon to do my job, I better pray there is a strong wind or Breath of God blowing through me, directing my path.
I think back to the early church where the Holy Spirit descended upon them for the very first time.
If you have time...check out Acts for accounts of His mighty work through His Spirit.
Acts 2:4 - filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues (and 3000 were added to the church)
Acts 4:31 - they are filled with the Holy Spirit and they boldly speak the word of God
So...I may be a little bubble wand...but man you soak me in the right stuff and put the power of God behind me...look out bubble world!
Just another bubbly MOMent...
Saturday, March 29, 2014
'Make them happy Mommy'
It's not that I don't like to or don't want to write on's just that life gets in the way. I have notes and small thoughts all over the place with inspiration to create posts. But then two super cute little boys or their handsome daddy needs me and the blog takes a backseat to my real life.
But one thing stands out in my mind.
My 2 1/2 year old is a talker, a thinker, and a questioner (Not sure that's a word?). His little mind goes so fast, it's incredible! He is not one I can blow off while he talks because he expects I will answer him correctly, appropriately, and timely! we pulled out of the garage the other day, I was mentally running through the essentials (shoes - see original post!, coupons, list, snack/drink, stroller, diaper bag, change of clothes, etc....). I could hear Graham talking and the questions starting, but I couldn't listen wholeheartedly and focus on what I needed to have with me. So I quickly said a prayer that Graham would forgive me when I had to ask him to repeat his question. As I finished this quick prayer, Graham was almost hysterical telling me I had to 'make them happy, you have to make them happy'. Giant tears were forming in those beautiful hazel eyes as I struggled to figure out whose happiness I was apparently now responsible for. As I clicked the garage door opener to close it, the tears fell. So I threw the vehicle in park and turned around in my chair trying to get the critical information I was missing out of my crying son. I re-opened the garage door (the neighbors probably think I'm nuts by now) and the tears lessened.
He finally staggered out these words in between breaths and sobs.
Ok...the lights. Say what? Come again?
Mommy, when you turned the lights off you made them so very sad. They are only happy when they are on.
OK God, I hear you.
The overhead lights in the garage needed to be on to be happy. (Relative term depending on if you are talking to my husband or to the power company!). But nonetheless, there is a lesson in that.
When we shine God's light and we are 'on' for Him, we are in so much of a better place than when we are trying to hide our light. When you are acting out of His calling, we will be happy little lights.
As I tried to explain the power bill to Graham, I simply quit and we starting singing "This Little Light of Mine" together as we drove off (and yes, left the garage lights on and happy!).
Until the next MOMent...
But one thing stands out in my mind.
My 2 1/2 year old is a talker, a thinker, and a questioner (Not sure that's a word?). His little mind goes so fast, it's incredible! He is not one I can blow off while he talks because he expects I will answer him correctly, appropriately, and timely! we pulled out of the garage the other day, I was mentally running through the essentials (shoes - see original post!, coupons, list, snack/drink, stroller, diaper bag, change of clothes, etc....). I could hear Graham talking and the questions starting, but I couldn't listen wholeheartedly and focus on what I needed to have with me. So I quickly said a prayer that Graham would forgive me when I had to ask him to repeat his question. As I finished this quick prayer, Graham was almost hysterical telling me I had to 'make them happy, you have to make them happy'. Giant tears were forming in those beautiful hazel eyes as I struggled to figure out whose happiness I was apparently now responsible for. As I clicked the garage door opener to close it, the tears fell. So I threw the vehicle in park and turned around in my chair trying to get the critical information I was missing out of my crying son. I re-opened the garage door (the neighbors probably think I'm nuts by now) and the tears lessened.
He finally staggered out these words in between breaths and sobs.
Ok...the lights. Say what? Come again?
Mommy, when you turned the lights off you made them so very sad. They are only happy when they are on.
OK God, I hear you.
The overhead lights in the garage needed to be on to be happy. (Relative term depending on if you are talking to my husband or to the power company!). But nonetheless, there is a lesson in that.
When we shine God's light and we are 'on' for Him, we are in so much of a better place than when we are trying to hide our light. When you are acting out of His calling, we will be happy little lights.
As I tried to explain the power bill to Graham, I simply quit and we starting singing "This Little Light of Mine" together as we drove off (and yes, left the garage lights on and happy!).
Until the next MOMent...